Howard County Issues

Unaffiliated/Independent Voter Group Platform

2009 Goals and last year review:

Our focus and resources remain directed on our quarterly publication and obtaining sufficient advertisers to support this important contribution to the estimated 80% citizen taxpayers who struggle to obtain local data and commentary right where we live.

-We developed and aired a commercial ad HCI Commercial. The ad aired during O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, and Keith Obermann in November and January.

-Shared a booth at the Howard County Fair, displaying the Howard County Issues Banner, and distributed thousands of publications and promotional items during the fair in August.

-Continued to grow our email distribution list at each community meeting and event.

-Gained recognition from the most widely distributed publication in the county Women to Watch.

-Held several community events, including the new Land Use Summit, Doughoregan Development community meeting.

-Researched and printed data on relationships between campaign contributors and elected leaders (Summer 2008).

-2008 Council year in review (Winter 2008-2009).

We continue to contact Independent Voters in order to collect information on concerns and to let others know about our publication. The questions asked include: Where do you obtain local news? What politicians do you like?

Current year goals:

-Expand into video

-More mid-quarter posts to website

-Prepare for local 2010 elections

To receive updates on activities and the publication, email


2008 Goals and last year review:

Several of our 2007 goals were met, and we continue to work on others during 2008. Our focus has been on our quarterly publication and obtaining sufficient advertisers to support this important contribution to citizen knowledge in our county.

We continue to contact Independent Voters in order to collect information on concerns and to let others know about our publication. Word is getting out: We’re hearing from some Independents that they already pick up the publication.

We believe there will eventually be an opportunity to pool funds with an Independent campaign in order to raise sufficient resources to contact all 35,000 Independents in Howard County. In this way, we can meet three goals simultaneously: Let voters know about the publication, pass information about the Independent Voter group, and advertise for a candidate.

To receive updates on activities and the publication, email


Below are the plans for the group in early 2007 in order to elect more candidates who work for citizens (see platform).

  1. Fundraiser to gather resources to contact 35,000 Howard County voters who registered outside the major parties, solicit participation in receiving newsletter,
  2. Start a newsletter, "Howard County Issues",
  3. Build coalitions with other organizations who support Candidates working for Citizens,
  4. Organize candidate and elected official attendance at charity benefits,(the first event attended was the Days End Farm Horse Rescue Soirée in mid-December, and included candidates and elected officials from the two major parties as well as an Independent),
  5. Track and post elected official voting records on state and local level.

We absolutely need your help to carry out the objectives above.  If you can help with any of the following, please contact

  1. Speakers for fundraiser; Authors, Activists, Judges, Business Owners/Officers and those who support the platform and can draw ticketsales to support our goals,
  2. Organizing the fundraiser,
  3. Contacting the State legislature, tracking voting records for elected officials, which we'll post cumulatively,
  4. Contacting County offices, tracking voting records for legislative, zoning, appointing decisions which we'll post cumulatively.

Thanks so much for considering assisting the Unaffiliated/Independent Voter Group .
443 889-9070








Howard County Issues, Howard County, Maryland